Eastman EXR 50D 35mm 36exp
Have you heard of Eastman EXR 50D 5245/7245?
We've sourced some from a Melbourne Cinematographer which has been kept in the freezer to keep it fresh. This film was produced between 1989 - 2006.
This film has been tested and shoots perfectly. Can be shot at ISO 50 or 100.
So if your're after something a little bit different, give 50D EXR a go!
DX coded for use in Point & Shoot and Manual cameras.
This film has a remjet layer so you won't get any halation. You'll just get a monster image! We can remove the remjet layer, develop and scan it for you in house. Our film is that good that we get high on our own supply.
All our film is kept in the fridge to ensure its lifespan.
Store unexposed film at 13°C or lower. For extended storage, store at -18°C or lower. Process exposed film promptly.
Eastman EXR 50D 35mm
Shots per roll 36
35mm Colour Negative CineFilm With Remjet Layer
ECN-2 Lab Process or C-41 Home Hand Process
Dimensions: Length 58mm, Width 38mm, Height 38mm, Weight 28grams