Mr. Negative 200T 35mm 36exp
Mr. Negative cinema film is rolled into 35mm cassettes of 36exp ready to use in 35mm film cameras.
DX coded for use in Point & Shoot and Manual cameras.
This film has a remjet layer so you won't get any halation. You'll just get a monster image!
All our film is kept in the fridge to ensure its lifespan. Our 200T is fresh, no more than 3 months old. 200T can last for years if stored correctly.
Store unexposed film at 13°C or lower. For extended storage, store at -18°C or lower. Process exposed film promptly.
200T 35mm
Shots per roll 36
35mm Colour Negative CineFilm With Remjet Layer
ECN-2 Lab Process or C-41 Hand Home Process
Dimensions: Length 58mm, Width 38mm, Height 38mm, Weight 28grams